In addition, Avast has send me their privacy statement: The browser extensions Avast Online Security and AVG Online Security are available again in both the Chrome Store and the Mozilla Store. Now AVAST informed me, that the AVG and AVAST antivirus addons for Firefox are back in Mozilla's addon store. Avast does this without collecting or storing a user's identification. It is necessary for this service to collect the URL history to deliver its expected functionality. The Avast Online Security extension is a security tool that protects users online, including from infected websites and phishing attacks. In a statement I received from AVAST, the vendor claims: Mozilla has recently updated its store policy and we are liaising with them in order to make the necessary adjustments to our extensions to align with new requirements. He had documented in October 2018 that AVAST antivirus products were spying on users. The suspicion was, that it might have to do with an article by Wladimir Palant. If you too have issues with your Avast Antivirus, simply browse the list below, or use the search bar above to find what you need.Early this months I've reported within the blog post Mozilla removed Firefox Addons from AVG/AVAST, that Mozilla's developers have blocked (or removed) AVG and AVAST antivirus addons in Firefox from Mozilla addon store. There is no definitive way to fix all Avast issues, maybe other than reinstalling it all together, and that is precisely why we’ve created an entire hub dedicated to this topic so that you can try a variety of solutions based on your particular needs.